Academisation Consultation
Consultation: Conversion to Academy status
The Governing Body have taken the decision to investigate the possibility of Rainford CE Primary School converting to academy status as a member of Liverpool Diocesan Schools Trust (LDST). As part of the statutory process Governors wish to consult with parents/carers, staff, pupils, church and community stakeholders to gather opinions about conversion and would be very grateful to hear your views.
You will appreciate that the academy agenda has been a significant part of the Government’s education policy for a number of years now. It is the belief of Governors that many more schools will be academies within the next few years. Five of the twelve Church of England schools locally have already converted to academy status and it is clear, that in doing so, they have realised many notable benefits.
The Government’s preferred academy model is one where all schools join a Multi-academy Trust, such as Liverpool Diocesan Schools Trust. Governors strongly believe that joining LDST will secure our school’s Christian foundation and culture, which is of paramount importance to both our school and the Diocese of Liverpool. We will remain part of the Church’s Family of Schools whilst keeping our local autonomy. Joining LDST will allow our school to have a greater say in shaping our own future and ensure we maintain our high standards.
Academies receive the same level of funding per-pupil that they would receive from the local authority as a maintained school, plus additions to cover the services that are no longer provided for them by the local authority. Academies receive their funding directly from the Department for Education rather than from local authorities.
Our school will retain its Governing Body and we do not expect the structure of the group to change significantly as a result of academy conversion. LDST have a Board of Directors who have the overall legal responsibility for all schools within the Trust and who will provide support and challenge for our Governing Body, Headteacher and Senior Leadership Team. As an Academy, Rainford CE Primary School would retain the same admission criteria as currently. The school will continue to be a Church of England school and to serve the children and families within our community.
Why become an Academy?
The Governors believe that moving to Academy status within the Church of England is the next sensible step in securing lasting school improvement and fulfilling the Headteacher’s vision of becoming an ‘Outstanding’ school.
As a Governing Body, we continually strive to improve school. Converting to academy status would provide the opportunity to develop new partnerships which would create additional opportunities and capacity to secure this improvement.
Continuity and Security
As an Academy within LDST, a charitable company, the school will remain the same in terms of its name, ethos, vision, values and distinctive Christian character, continuing to work very closely with the Diocese of Liverpool and the National Church of England Education Office. There are no plans either, to change the school day, uniform, school terms or to change the working terms, conditions and pensions for staff.
There are 119 schools in the Diocesan family of schools and 4,644 Church of England schools nationwide.
We believe that by joining LDST we would not only be securing the Christian foundation of the school moving forward but we would also be part of a progressive network of like-minded educational professionals striving to improve the outcomes of children in the region.
We want to build on our existing strengths and ensure that we target funds to continue to improve the educational provision for our school and the local community.
What happens next?
The Governors are interested to hear your views on Rainford CE Primary School converting to Academy status under LDST. You may forward your views in writing to Mrs Richardson, Headteacher, marking your envelope “Academy Consultation” or by emailing the school at
On Thursday 24th October, between 5pm and 7pm, we will hold an informal ’drop-in’ session for anyone wishing to know more about academy status and this proposal. If you would like to come to the ‘drop in’, please email the school so that we have an idea of likely numbers. The ‘drop-in’ session will be held in the main hall and you may come along at whatever time is convenient to you.
Please take time to visit the LDST website at which has detailed information about the Trust, its schools, what it has to offer and what its Vision and Values are.
The consultation period ends 13th November. Following this, the Governing Body will meet again to consider your views and the outcome of the consultation will be published on the school’s website. There is also information about Multi academy Trusts and the Liverpool Diocesan Schools Trust, on the school website, along with a “Frequently Asked Questions and Answers” paper which you may find helpful.
The Governing Body look forward to hearing your views and thank you for your time in giving this important matter your consideration.