Collective Worship

We understand worship to be a special act or occasion whose purpose is to show reverence to God.

Collective worship involves all members of the school coming together and participating in an assembly. We expect everyone to take an active part in the assembly. Collective Worship at Rainford CE Primary School is planned to:


• be inspirational, invitational and inclusive. It should engage all present and they should be able to talk about the impact it makes on their relationships and on life in the school, as well as themselves as individuals

• regularly include Biblical material and Christian teaching and this should explore and relate to the school’s Christian vision

• have a strong focus on God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit enabling all learners (including adults) to embark on an understanding of the Trinity

• encounter worship and prayer as part of the natural rhythm of the day

• help all learners to understand Anglican and other Christian traditions found in the UK and worldwide

• enable pupils to encounter the vocabulary of worship

• challenge all learners of all backgrounds to understand and embark on their own spiritual journey. They should understand the value of Prayer, Reflection and Stillness

• contribute significantly to pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development; by providing all learners with something more than the obvious, something to wonder at and something to respond to

• enable worship to impact all areas of the curriculum

• be an opportunity to celebrate and give thanks for achievements within the school, local and international community and occasions of significance

• affirm and celebrate our shared Christian Values and beliefs as well as recognising the specialness of key multi-faith festivals

• Acknowledge the uniqueness of the individual, celebrate diversity, create a sense of shared values and of our common humanity within school, society and the wider world.

Click here to view our Collective Worship Policy