Results and Performance Data

As you can see from our 2023 - 2024 results,  children achieve extremely well at Rainford C E School.

Percentage of EYFS children who achieved a Good Level of Development (GLD):

Rainford 76% National Average 67%

Percentage of Year 1 children who passed their Phonics Assessment:
Rainford 83% National Average 79%

Percentage of Key Stage 1 children (Year 2) who achieved the expected outcomes:

Rainford National Average

Reading- 69% 68%

Writing- 69% 60%

Maths- 69% 71%

Percentage of Key Stage 2 children (Year 6) who achieved the expected outcomes:

Rainford National Average

Reading- 83% 73%

Writing- 84% 71%

Maths- 71% 73%

Percentage of Key Stage 2 children (Year 6) who achieved a higher standard:

Rainford National Average

Reading- 38% 29%

Writing- 14% 13%

Maths- 19% 24%

Year 6 Combined Reading, Writing and Maths:

Rainford 64% National Average 59%

Year 6 Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling:

Rainford 74% National Average 72%

Our average scaled scores:

Reading: 106.7

Maths: 103.6

This is a link to to the school and college performance tables

This is a link to Rainford CE's performance table