
Spellings are taught according to the rules and words contained in Appendix 1 of the English National Curriculum 2014.

Teachers use the Spelling Shed Scheme to support their teaching and to provide activities that link to the spelling patterns and rules taught in class each week.  

Children are asked to complete Spelling Shed activities as part of their English homework each week, using their individual Spelling Shed pupil login details.


Rainbow Spellings

Children are given two new spellings to learn each week from the 'Rainbow Spellings' (statutory word list for each year group).  They are given a spelling test the following week containing the two new words and past spellings from that term.

At the end of each half-term, a spelling test is administered containing all of the 'Rainbow Spellings' for that term.  If children achieve 80% or more in their test, they are given a sticker of that colour in their ‘Rainbow Spellings’ booklet.

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