All Saints Church

We are very proud of our close relationship with our local Parish Church, All Saints. We are also grateful to the members of the Church community who selflessly give their time and expertise to maintain our strong Christian ethos and our school’s high standards.

The Parish Church helps us in many ways. These include:- Governor Support, Church Services, Celebrations, Fundraising and Curriculum Support.


Governor Support.
As our school is a Voluntary Controlled Church of England School the Diocese appoints members of the Church Community to be governors of our school. These governors are called Foundation Governors and in addition to the normal responsibilities of a governor they ensure that the Church of England character of the school is preserved and developed.

Church Services.
A member of the Church Community regularly leads the whole school in an act of worship.
At Harvest, Christmas and Easter our children preform services in church.  These are whole school events and parents are always invited.

Our children take part in Christingle, Education Sunday and Walking Day church celebrations.

Raising awareness and supporting charities is a large part of the Christian ethos of our school. Our children have performed in fundraising social events and regularly support Church charities.

Curriculum Support.
Our Church provides a base for learning in many areas of the school curriculum. Members of the church community freely give their time and knowledge to support not only the Religious Education curriculum but many other areas of the curriculum.

Messy Church

Many of our children are an active part of the church life and enjoy attending Messy Church. This takes place on the 3rd Sunday of each month. Rev. Janet and members of the church community provide creativity, celebration, and hospitality. It's a place where people can come together to discover Jesus, and to grow in their faith