Our Behaviour Curriculum 'The CE Way'
Outstanding behaviour is essential at school, to enable children and their peers to learn effectively individually and collaboratively.
We insist on high standards of behaviour so that all children come to school feeling happy, safe and ready to learn. This is achieved by a clear behaviour policy, the explicit teaching, our code of conduct, and consistent expectations of and re-enforcement of positive behaviour.
We explicitly teach good behaviour in the same way we teach other areas, through a curriculum. We call this 'The CE Way'. This curriculum includes our code or conduct, Our school rules, and our level ladder.
The process we follow for teaching behaviour explicitly is:
1. Identify the routines we want to see
2 Communicate in detail the expectations
3. Practise the routines until everyone can do them
4. Reinforce, maintain and monitor the routines constantly
Reward, reward, reward!
Our rewards and recognitions are in abundance at Rainford CE, A full list can be found in our Behaviour policy
Dojo points is the main daily reward that are given to children who follow the CE way. Below is a poster of how children can earn dojos and what children can earn as they collect their dojo points.

Dojo awards for Reception- Y2

Dojo awards for Y3-Y6