School Meals

All pupils in reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are eligible for free school meals.

Parents may choose for their child to receive a cooked school meal daily. We are a healthy eating school, and our kitchen staff provide exceptionally healthy school dinners. All food is freshly prepared, with plenty of choice each day, providing a wide variety of meals.

If your child does not wish to have a school meal, a healthy packed lunch may be brought from home.

Snacks & Water

All children have access to drinking water and children in Years 1 to 6 and may bring in a healthy snack to have at break time.

Free Fruit/Veg Scheme

Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 receive free fruit at morning break.

Free School Meals

Your child may be entitled to receive a free school meal. The local Council urges those who can make the claim to do so and at Rainford C E, we also encourage the uptake of the entitlement to make sure that you do not miss out on something which you are due. Did you know that if your child is entitled to free meals and does not wish to have a cooked meal, he/she can order a sandwich meal which can be prepared in our kitchen?

Please contact the School’s Administration office on 01744 883281 for further information.

Sometimes parents are concerned about any ‘stigma’ that may be attached to free school meals children – please speak to us, as we believe the procedure for entitlement is handled delicately and confidentially.