Local Heroes Event in School
Local Heroes in School
As part of our PSHE curriculum, the children are required to think about their life goals and how they can be inspired to meet these. We think it would be a great idea for the children to meet some local people who have overcome challenges, inspired others or who have had to work hard to meet their goals. They could be people who have championed local charities, have helped others or who have given up their time to support their community.
We are asking for your help in nominating our “Local Heroes”. We will then invite selected heroes to come into school to meet the children and hopefully show the children what it means to be a good citizen. All our nominees will receive a message from the school letting them know they have been put forward as a “Local Hero”.
Please return the slip below by 24.5.16, giving reasons for your nomination.
Thank you!
Mrs Kelsey (PSHE lead in school)
Mrs Loftus (School SENDCo)
Name of nominated “Local Hero”:
Contact details:
Nominated by:
Your child’s name and class:
Reason for nomination: