Summer Gala Competition
We have had extremely positive feedback from parents regarding last year’s “paper plate garden” competition, with many parents requesting a similar project again this year. As this is our “Year of Reading”, the 2016 competition will have a literary theme.
Children will be asked to create a “Book in a Jar”. The entry should consist of a glass jar (a jam jar, pickle jar or coffee jar would be fine) with a lid. The jar should be filled with items linked to a children’s book. The title and author of the book should appear somewhere on the entry, and the child’s name and class must also be displayed (this could be on a label on the base of the jar).
Entries must be completed out of school and should be brought into school between 20th and 24th June i.e. the week leading up to the Summer Gala. Prizes will be awarded to the winning entries.
Thank you.