Our News items
Safety Assembly, by Mrs Loftus
Neurodevelopment course for parents, by Mrs Loftus
School in top 8% of country for phonics, by Mrs Richardson
Annual Trips Overview Lower KS2, by Mrs Loftus
School Short-listed for Top Education Award, by Mrs Loftus
School Choir to sing at the Cathedral, by Mrs Loftus
Sunshine Sessions for Parents, by Mrs Loftus
Y3/4 Information Evening, by Mrs Loftus
Y2 Book Club, by Mrs Loftus
Lower Junior Book Club, by Mrs Loftus
Magical Maths, by Mrs Loftus
The Prayer Space Event, by Mrs Loftus
Gala Day Competition News, by Mrs Loftus
Rock Kidz, by Mrs Richardson
Listen 4 Change Parent Forum News, by Mrs Loftus
Rainford in Bloom Update, by Mrs Loftus
Training for parents regarding supporting sensory needs, by Mrs Loftus
ADDvanced Solutions Newsletter for Parents, by Mrs Loftus
Local Heroes Event in School, by Mrs Loftus
Amended Dates for Sunshine Sessions for Parents, by Mrs Loftus
Support for Parents - Update from the SENDCo, by Mrs Loftus
Summer Gala Competition, by Mrs Loftus
Rainford in Bloom, by Mrs Loftus
Educate Awards, by Mrs Loftus